With its head office in the Southwest Alentejo and Vicentina Coast of Portugal, and offices in the Lisbon Region, in Mafra, ARION is a company dedicated to Engineering Projects and Construction Management, with a particular focus on residential, tourist, service or commercial building projects. Its main focus is on designing projects in a financially integrated and sustainable manner, from the initial idea, through licensing and contract management, to obtaining the final licence to use the space invested in.
With a technical team of experienced engineers, we strive to constantly improve the services we provide within the framework of our clients requirements. We are constantly up-to-date with the standards and legislation required for each project under study, or have the support of collaborations with other offices or companies, in a network of proven contacts, which together make up a multidisciplinary and technically efficient team that best responds to each circumstance.
The name ARION comes from the natural origin of the company’s founder, who sought to transpose from his origin and character, a name with real meaning for the purpose of the company’s activity, finding in ARION “what has energy” from the Afrikaans, the best meaning, because that is the commitment and endeavour with the service we propose to do.
João Côrte has a Bachelor’s degree and a Licentiate’s degree from the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. He has worked for a number of medium and large companies in the Lisbon region, participating for approximately 10 years in a number of important projects in the region, such as the construction of the Pavilhão Desportivo dos Lombos, the Hospital da Luz, the Hotel Lisboa, the Hotel VIP Grande and the Gil Vicente Secondary School.
With a Postgraduate Diploma in Hygiene, Safety and Health at Work, complementary to his engineering degree and applied to Safety at Construction Sites, he has held positions as Technical Site Manager, Supervisory Manager and Safety Coordinator, as well as Project Manager and Coordinator, accomplishing the Managing Project position for a Public Company, a part from other service work in private engineering companies.
In 2010 he moved to the South-West Cost of Portugal and founded ARION shortly afterwards. Since then, between developing engineering projects and designing construction sites, he has participated in more than 250 projects and 80 constructions, as project coordinator, project manager, technical manager or technical supervisor of the constructions, procedure manager or technical consultant. The company’s CEO’s experience is wide-ranging and vast, and is also the result of the need to adapt services to the region in which it is based.
Currently focussed and motivated to Integrated Building Design and Execution Management, mainly referenced on international projects and contract management models, he has completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management (PMI) at the Instituto Superior de Gestão (Business & Economics School), in Lisbon.